Analysis of the rainfall runoff and heat flux characteristics of a green roof
Pei-Yuan Chen, Meng-Ju Chung, Chuan-Cing Pang, Xiang Feng Hong
Graduate Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan
Measurements from two small-scale (1mx1m) green roof experiments GRI and GR2 located on the rooftop of a four-floor building at Taipei, Taiwan (25.02°N,121.54°E) were analyzed (Fig.1). From top to bottom, the green roof experiments contained layers of vegetation (Vaccinium Fig for GRI and Arachis for GR2), substrates (170mm for GR1 and 115mm for GR2), root resistant membrane (non-woven fabric), drainage board (50mm), concrete ceiling (50mm), and air space (250mm-high closed space representing indoor below a green roof) lifted 300mm up from the building rooftop by steel frames. The preliminary results of rainfall runoff and heat flux characteristics of the green roofs are shown(Fig. 1).